Text Captions

  1. A serene and inspiring photograph of young handsome man looking into the vastness of the ocean on a beach at sunset. He is gracefully standing in a victorious pose "The difficult must become habit, the habit easy and easy beautiful" is placed below the image. The background shows the beautiful ocean and sky, with the sun setting in the distance. The overall ambiance of the photo is peaceful and calming, promoting the idea of perseverance and personal growth.

  2. Artist with his back to the camera, in his studio looking at a large poster with a fully visible caption "The difficult must become habit, the habit easy and easy beautiful" . (Magic Prompt: off, aspect: 16:9, Model: 1.0)

  3. A vibrant and eye-catching logo for 'Nankana Resort' features a curvy design with bold letters that have an outline. The colors used are a stunning combination of sky blue, parrot green, lemon yellow, red, orange, and green, creating a bold and energetic appearance. The logo is surrounded by coriander, mint, lemon and green chilli illustrations, further emphasizing the Indian-inspired theme. The overall design is bold, colorful, and sure to draw attention. The colour should pop out

  4. A captivating 3D render of a medical logo design, showcasing the name "Nankana Resort" in bold, cursive letters. The letters are intricately crafted, with a harmonious blend of dark and light colors, creating a visually striking effect. The background features a rich, textured pattern with a golden and black gradient, evoking a sense of luxury and motion. The overall design exudes creativity and a healthy talent, invoking feelings of adventure and discovery., (3D render, 1:1 ar)

  5. full body shot, Create portrait painting of a cartoon style chicken holding a typography sign that says "I WANT TO LIVE" colorful background. Beautifully painted. Large image..., painting, typography, anime, 3d render, poster, illustration

  1. The name "NANKANA RESORT" with colored smoke thunder lightning stars and a golden crown, 3d render, cinematic, dark fantasy, vibrant, photo

  2. A logo for a shop with the text 'Nankana Resort Food Market', depicting a beautiful Pakistani shop keeper at a farmer market stall, typography, photo, cinematic

  3. In script can you write "Nankana Resort" With a retro vintage look surrounded by cartoon looking flowers.

  4. Creative Typography: " WELCOME TO NANKANA RESORT !", T-Shirt Design, good colors

  5. create a colourful balloon text "Welcome" sunflower, blue and red hibiscus and 3d neon butterfly and pearls (Vibrant)

  6. "Nankana" name Celeste with a lilac background with pink roses with four butterflies and drops of purple paint in 3D with an animated

  7. people holding a logo that say "HEY YOU THUGS. FREE IMRAN KHAN, people protesting

  8. "Nankana Resort" calligraphy connected between a gold crown ring and pink, background deep orange. 4k

  9. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1077114879095353445/1084167686143103077/TramontanaOnTheBridge_The_girl_twelve-years-old._72987ffc-1aed-4f92-9117-f44aeb52e0ec.png photo

  10. doodle of a lot of red Mercedes Coupé 300 SLR oldtimer, 3D,art by mister doodle. Text: "Keep going doing driving" clear background. result:https://ideogram.ai/g/I73JJt4kSYOHILB8EVWIhg/0

  11. Logo with text "Fabrica de Hits", vector art, in a spray paint style for a hiphop music party . (result: https://ideogram.ai/g/cu6JpEkJSBWixCK44LfeFQ/0)

  12. A vibrant, artistic design featuring the words "8 de Marzo - Día Internacional de la Mujer Gaby "in bold, gold modern typography. The letters are poised elegantly on a backdrop of colorful tulips, their petals a stunning blend of reds, yellows, and purples. The overall feeling of the image is empowering and celebratory, honoring the strength and resilience of women worldwide., typography, 3d render

    (3D Render, Typography, (9:16 ar, 720x1280)

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