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METAVERSE IMAGEN - A Metaverse For Art & Creative Community

Metaverse Imagen project is a revival of the 'Blockchain Art Toujours,' project that was paused in 2018. The project, born in the turmoil of the 2018 Crypto market regulatory uncertainty and market instability. The project has now been revived with inclusion of mature transformative technologies such as Generative AI, DAO's, Self Sovereign ID's, Knowledge Graph tools, Decentralized blockchain storage and several others. Today, we have reimagined the project, and it is no longer going to be a mere database of artists' collections for commerce, but instead a bustling Artificial Intelligence (AI) powered generative content hub for creators and connoisseurs alike, fostering new paradigms of Art appreciation and commerce, Story writing, Video and Movie production, Music generation, Animations and other creative work in the digital realm. The new Gen-AI interface will allow users and members to use API's from Open Source and Commercial LLM's as well as selection of their preferred choice of tools from a broad menu of Gen-AI Tools (such as GPT4, Stable Diffusion, Ideogram, Runway ML, Pika Labs, Eleven labs, and a host of other API's). The facility and a huge convenience for users will be the use of crypto-tokens for access to the Tools of their choice instead of having separate subscription for each tool. All the users have to do is purchase ARTZ (Ariston) tokens and use them to access any tool in the menu.

In its previous incarnation, the project was ahead of its time, offering artists and photographers a platform to catalogue their works and create 'Provenance NFTs' on the Ethereum Testnet Blockchain. However, the dearth of decentralized storage providers and the prohibitive costs of Ethereum transactions necessitated a strategic pause. This decision, though difficult, allowed the team to reflect, research, and reorient themselves towards a more viable future.

Fast forward to today, in the past four years the technological landscape has undergone a seismic shift.

What has changed?

Blockchain-based decentralized storage has taken giant strides towards becoming a mainstream solution, while concepts like self-sovereign IDs (SSiD), cross-chain transactions, and Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) have entered the common vernacular. Decentralized finance (De-Fi) has matured, transaction fees have shrunk, and powerful front-end user interfaces have been developed. The advent of WEB3-centric full-stack tools and has made the development and integration of platforms faster, more secure, and seamless. The most important and powerful additions to the Technology stack are the developments of Artificial Intelligence, specifically multimodal Large Language Models (LLM's) and Generative AI Tools such as;

a). DALL-E3, Stable Diffusion, MidJourney,, Ideogram and others for Image generations.

b). GPT4-o, Claude 3.5, Gemini and others for generation of stories, poems, themes, programs etc,

c). Runway ML, Pika Labs, Luma, Sora, GenMo, Haiper and others for Video Synthesis.

d). Suno, Udio, MusicFX, etc, for Music generation.

e) Tools for Voice over, Talking Avatars, Lipsync, 3D Models, and mush more

The emergence of the Metaverse and extended reality technology and concepts, the leaps in Graph Databases, Deep Learning Artificial Neural Networks and Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms hold immense promise for creative artists and user generated content (UCG). Together, all these developments have ushered in an era of unprecedented possibilities for artists and art enthusiasts - and era we call call 'The creative Era'. The fusion of these technologies with blockchain infrastructure is the unique opportunity for ‘Metaverse for Art’ to open up a new universe for virtual 3D museums, art galleries, virtual outdoor art events, and art education, not to mention the sale and purchase of digital and physical art assets secured by NFT’s.

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