Tutorial on How to Clone a Voice using Tortoise-TTS
Tutorial for how to clone a voice using Tortoise-TTS.
Voice Cloning Tutorials:
In this step-by-step tutorial, you'll learn the secrets to unleashing your inner voice actor and creating high-quality voiceovers using AI. Whether you're an aspiring voice actor or just want to impress your friends, this tutorial will teach you everything you need to know to get started. Join us as we explore the world of AI voice cloning and take your creativity to the next level. You can create this tool to create audio tools like Eleven labs for audio.
Link to the Notebook: https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1NxiY3zHN4Nd8J3YAqFsbYaOB71IiLE04?usp=sharing#scrollTo=VQgw3KeV8Yqb
Link to Audacity: https://www.audacityteam.org/
YouTube video, we will explore the technology behind deepfake speech, which involves generating speech from text using a text-to-speech model. This process typically involves three main components: a voice encoder, a synthesizer, and a vocoder. The voice encoder learns to create a fixed-dimensional embedding, or vector, that captures various features of a specific human voice. The synthesizer then uses this information to create a mel-spectrogram from a given text transcript, which is further processed by the vocoder to generate an audio waveform.
List of relevant keywords related to this topic:
#elevenlabs #voicecloning #TortoiseTTS #AIvoicecloning #voiceover #voiceacting #voiceactor #voiceimitation #voiceimpersonation #voicechanger #aitechnology
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