is a free AI novel writing software program that allows you to upload your manuscript and get a detailed book analysis. will tell you how much your book is dialogue vs. narrative, analyze your sentence structure, and compare your writing style and overall formatting with bestsellers.


  • Subject and pacing analysis to ensure your subject matter is accurate and the novel's pacing makes sense.

  • Readability score, because your novel won't sell if it's unreadable

  • Cliche finder is great if you want to express sentiments without sounding cliche.

This is a helpful tool for looking at your book overall. In fiction writing, it's important not to have too much description vs. your dialogue. uses artificial intelligence to help authors improve their writing. The company offer a variety of tools and services, including:

Marlowe: A fiction-loving AI that can read and critique your work with a comprehensive 32-page report in a matter of minutes. Marlowe's reports identify strengths and weaknesses in your writing, offer suggestions for improvement, and compare your work to other bestselling novels.

Character Builder: A tool that helps you create realistic and compelling characters. Character Builder asks you a series of questions about your character, and then uses AI to generate a detailed profile that includes their backstory, personality, motivations, and goals.

Plot Generator: A tool that helps you come up with new story ideas. Plot Generator asks you a series of questions about your genre, setting, and characters, and then uses AI to generate a variety of plot outlines that you can use to start your story.

Beta Reader: A service that connects you with other authors who can provide feedback on your work. Beta Readers are experienced authors who are willing to read your work and give you honest feedback.

Editing: A service that provides professional editing for your work.'s editors have years of experience in the publishing industry and can help you polish your work to perfection. is a great resource for authors of all levels of experience. Their tools and services can help you improve your writing, get feedback on your work, and connect with other authors.

Here are some of the benefits of using AI for authors:

Save time and increase productivity: AI can automate tasks such as proofreading, editing, and research, freeing up writers to focus on the more creative aspects of their work.

Improve writing skills: AI can help writers identify weaknesses in their writing and provide suggestions for improvement.

Generate new ideas: AI can be used to generate new story ideas, characters, and plot lines.

Get feedback: AI can be used to connect authors with other authors and beta readers who can provide feedback on their work.

Reach a wider audience: AI can be used to market and promote authors' work to a wider audience.

Overall, AI has the potential to be a powerful tool for authors. By automating tasks, improving writing skills, generating new ideas, getting feedback, and reaching a wider audience, AI can help authors create better books and achieve their publishing goals.


Marlowe Basic: Free

Marlow Pro: $199/annually

Single Report: $45 one-time payment

Last updated