iClone 8 (IC8)

iClone is a real-time 3D animation and rendering software program developed by Reallusion. It is used for a variety of purposes, including:

  • 3D character animation: iClone provides a powerful character animation system that allows users to create realistic and expressive animations. It includes a wide range of features for rigging, posing, and animating characters, as well as a library of pre-made animations.

  • Scene construction: iClone includes a variety of tools for creating and editing scenes, including a 3D modeler, a terrain editor, and a particle system. This allows users to create realistic and visually stunning environments for their animations.

  • Physics simulation: iClone includes a physics engine that allows users to simulate the behavior of objects in their scenes. This can be used to create realistic interactions between characters and objects, as well as to add visual effects to animations.

  • Multi-camera directing: iClone allows users to create and edit multi-camera scenes. This allows users to create more complex and dynamic animations, as well as to create different views of the same scene.

  • Visual effects: iClone includes a variety of tools for creating visual effects, such as particle effects, lighting effects, and post-processing effects. This allows users to add more polish and realism to their animations.

In addition to these features, iClone also includes a number of other tools and features that make it a powerful and versatile 3D animation software program. These include:

  • Motion capture: iClone can be used with motion capture devices (MOCAP Devices) to capture the movements of real actors and apply them to 3D characters.

  • Live link: iClone can be used with other 3D software programs to share animation data. This allows users to create animations in iClone and then export them to other software programs for further editing or rendering.

  • Cloud services: iClone offers a number of cloud-based services that allow users to collaborate on projects, store assets, and access tutorials.


Overall, iClone is a powerful and versatile 3D animation software program that can be used for a variety of purposes. It is a good choice for users who want to create realistic and expressive 3D animations.

Here are some of the benefits of using iClone:

  • It is easy to use, even for beginners.

  • It has a wide range of features for 3D character animation, scene construction, physics simulation, multi-camera directing, and visual effects.

  • It is compatible with a wide range of 3D software programs.

  • It offers a number of cloud-based services that make it easy to collaborate on projects and store assets.

Here are some of the drawbacks of using iClone:

  • It can be expensive.

  • It can be resource-intensive, so it requires a powerful computer to run.

  • The learning curve can be steep for some users.

Overall, iClone is a powerful and versatile 3D animation software program that can be used for a variety of purposes. It is a good choice for users who want to create realistic and expressive 3D animations.

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